Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Free Coaching Videos

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed adipiscing, nulla in condimentum laoreet, metus risus commodo orci, varius blandit nibh felis sit amet lacus. Sed et tellus nulla. Maecenas at libero magna. Proin ultricies porttitor turpis, non elementum mauris volutpat vestibulum. Duis fringilla arcu quis leo rutrum hendrerit. Aliquam porta, purus sed posuere vulputate, urna augue tincidunt neque, vel egestas nibh lorem in nibh. In non dui eget nunc pulvinar pharetra. Quisque tempor lacus id eros faucibus id viverra ligula auctor. Curabitur in magna velit, at placerat diam. Maecenas viverra, ante non rutrum ullamcorper, nisl urna pulvinar leo, nec dictum mi est at metus. Sed pharetra malesuada venenatis. Donec ut felis nibh. Mauris lacinia tortor ac justo dignissim interdum.

Nam porttitor adipiscing nunc, eu scelerisque magna ullamcorper eu. Donec nisi est, ornare eget mattis eget, congue laoreet augue. Curabitur turpis sem, placerat ac ultrices et, ullamcorper non ante. Suspendisse potenti. Integer vel massa enim, et sodales ligula. Proin molestie ligula vitae libero lacinia convallis. Nunc enim ante, iaculis eget tristique et, aliquam at mi. Donec nulla ipsum, congue id feugiat nec, sodales ac eros.

Quisque vulputate, metus ac ultrices vestibulum, dolor leo accumsan dolor, id iaculis dolor urna ut felis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris id eleifend enim. Ut arcu lorem, ultricies vitae pretium gravida, facilisis sed nunc. Donec fermentum ligula lacus, eleifend hendrerit est. Morbi magna odio, eleifend euismod commodo sed, ultricies a massa. Fusce felis ligula, commodo vel auctor eu, egestas sed risus.



Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Become Successful in Life

We people tend to work every day, do business, and does everything just realize our goals and be successful in life. Everyone wants to be successful. But do we really know how to be successful in life. What is success? This guide will help you realize what the true meaning of sucess is and how to achieve it.

What is Success?

Success is achieving something that you have envisioned or acquiring something that you really desire in life. Success may have different meanings to different people. That's why you need to know what success is all about. There are couples of things that you need to know to fully realize your goals and be successful in life.

Ways to be Successful

1. Know what you want to achieve. Success may not have the same meaning to different people. For example: if you are getting pregnant, pregnancy can be of two things; success or disaster. There are people hoping to become pregnant but they are having successdifficulties in some point that they cannot achieve it. In the other hand, there are people who are not yet ready for pregnancy but unfortunately, they became pregnant. So the point here is that you can never tell what success is for you until you really know what you do want to achieve. In order to create success, you must first define it – which most of the people failed to do.  Be certain of what you really want to have in life and also the things that you don't want. If you are clear with your goals, you became excited. Excitement produces momentum, momentum changes your behavior, and your behavior produces results. After this, you can clearly see if your goals have been met or the otherwise.

2. Be comfortable in rough situations. The road to success is not an easy path. Some people only give a bit of their effort and remain doing slight things that will only give them comfort. Constantly avoiding discomfort means you are also avoiding valuable lessons in your personal growth. We can always hear this quote that says; no pain, no gain. That is applicable in your everyday life. We might not want the pain, but sometimes this is what we need.

3. Be yourself. You don't have to be your parents, your boss, or anyone else to be successful. It is appropriate for you to Be yourselftake advices from them but you have to take initiative of your life and start making decisions on your own. Surely, your parents are great and by all means, you have to respect, love, and most importantly, learn from them. Learning from them doesn't mean you have to become them. Decide for yourself and don't be bound only in their permission. You're big now and capable of doing great things on your own.

4. Be an innovator, not an imitator. Success is always to the original. Be creative in everything that you are doing. Do not hold back because of fear and let your ideas and potential to create flows within you. Lead and innovate. Have faith in the things that you put your efforts into. Don't be afraid to fail.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Major Causes of Stress | What is Stress

In the modern life that we are living in, we must move in a fast pace. People tend to be productive that is why life has full of hassles; your boss requires deadlines, lot of frustrations in your mind, and demands for your everyday habit. The most common thing that you can get out of these is "Stress". For most of the people in our modern society today, stress has somehow became a part of their everyday life. Stress is caused by external circumstances which affects your attitude and perceptions.

What Causes Stress?

For some reasons, stress is not that all bad. Stress can sometimes help you perform even under pressure to motivate you to perform in constant rushing mode, in which later on, your body and mind pays the price. This is the time when stress really messes up your attitude. Stress can be the first stage of most illnesses that may be acquired. Some of these common illnesses are hypertension, diabetes, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, herpes, and more. It could be two thirds of the reasons why you visit the physician more often. Stress acquired for long periods of time can cause poor concentration, irritability, anger, and even messes up with your judgments. It is critical that you have to keep a tab on your stress level before it gets worse. It can lead to marriage breakups, road rage, family fights, violence, and the worst, suicide.


The external factors that results in stress are called "stressors". When we talk about the stressors, we usually think of it being negative. Things like getting exhausted from a work schedule or being into a bad relationship. But that's not all stressors are for. There are also positive events that can trigger stressors like going to college for the first time, receiving a promotion, buying a house, or getting married. Stress may kick in and you feel tense and anxious,however, you may find the trip to be relaxing as it gives you enough time to think, have a moment for yourself, and you can also enjoy listening to music which can calm you in any way.

What is Stress?Get Rid of Stress

Before you take actions about your stress, it is important to know what stress is and where do we get this. Stress is basically normal physical responses to events that make you feel disturbed, threatened, or disorganize your balance. One example where stress kicks in is that when you feel or sense that danger is coming. Our body defenses tend to jump start in high gear, making us even more alert, and our minds automatically process a "fight-or-flight" reaction or in other words, stress responses.

Stress responses are very helpful in the sense that it is your body's self defense or offense. When activated and working properly, it helps you stay focused, gives you extra energy than what energy drinks can give, and your mind is alert most of the time. Stress responses are present primarily in emergency cases whether you are in an accident, your body gains extra strength, giving you the energy to survive. Stress responses can also be activated in cases other than life-threatening situations. You can count on stress responses in your presentations at work, sharpens your concentration in a game or competition, or drives you even further to study for an exam instead of  slouching in your couch watching TV. These stress responses can be helpful for a while but after it is consumed, your body gets exhausted, your mind loses its focus, you become very moody, your relationship is messed up, it affects your quality of life.


How to Respond to Stress

How do you respond to Stress?

It is important to know when is stress helpful and when is not. It is also better to learn how to recognize your stress levels and most importantly, to know if it is still under your control. Living with your everyday stress makes you familiar of it but it doesn't make you feel safe. You might not notice how much it is affecting you until you start feeling symptoms of any serious illness. You tend to carry the stress on even though you are feeling the weight of it as if it is a heavy toll.  Stress may occur differently in people. Not all stress looks the same and others may experience differently. Sometimes, it is difficult to identify stress as some stresses doesn't look to stressful. There are common ways that people respond when they are overwhelmed with stress.


These are driving analogies to describe the response to stress:

1. Foot on the gas – An irritated or agitated stress response. This response makes you heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable to sit still.

2. Foot on the brake – An inhibited and withdrawn stress response. This response makes you quiet, you tend to space out, shows little emotion and energy.

3. Foot on both - A tense and frozen stress response. You tend to "freeze" under pressure and which you can't do anything. You looked still but you are extremely agitated in the surface.


How to Deal with Stress?How to Deal with Stress

All stress can be dealt with even though how bad your stress is.

1. Learn to manage your stress – you may feel that your stress is out of control but you can always control your response to stress. Take charge of your thoughts and actions. Manage your emotions and eventually, you will handle the weight of the stress.

2. Learn to relax – Relaxing is the best way to counter stress. Stress cannot be eliminated but relaxing makes it bearable.

3. Learn quick stress relief – everybody can lessen the impact of stress. With practice, you can spot stressors and stay in control of yourself. Do things that are enjoyable if the stress kicks in. Find other things to do if what you are doing makes your stress worse.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Install Router in 7 Steps

How To Set up a Router

I just purchased a brand new router because my old one broke down and I cannot get online both wired and wireless. Since I work at home, I need to ensure that my connection is at its utmost performance as I talk to people on skype and do video conferencing.

routerAs I was going through the manual and setting up the router, my training kicked in. To let you know, before I became a work at home mom, I was a technical support agent for networking products and I troubleshoot routers, range expanders, wireless adapters, hubs and other devices 8 hours a day and believe me, I wouldn't ever forget how to set those things up.

More people are hopping on to cyberspace and I remembered that my clients were very frustrated at having to wait on hold for 30 minutes waiting for their turn and have an agent answer the call. So I decided to write a little tutorial on how to set up routers and get internet access right away.

Some networking companies have a set up disk packaged together with the router and you'll just run the set up and it'll configure the device for you. If it doesn't work, then follow these steps:

For Cable Internet Connection (Cox, Comcast, Roadrunner etc)

  1. Hardwire a computer or laptop directly to your modem. This is to make sure that you have internet connection on your modem. If you can get internet that way then you can proceed to set up your router. If not, do a powercycle then check if you have internet. If nothing happens, then call your ISP. This is better than wasting your time trying to call your router manufacturer as they cannot help you with your modem.
  2. Reset your router. Look for a reset button and press and hold it down for 30 seconds. Make sure that you see the power light is blinking. Do a powercycle.
  3. Now this is the step you'd probably hate the most. Have your modem connect to the internet port of your router, hardwire your pc to port 1. Make sure that internet, power,wlan, and port1 lights are lit. If not, recheck your cable connection.
  4. Click on the start button, then go to Run. Type in CMD. This will bring up the command prompt. Type in ipconfig/all. Take note of your default gateway (in most cases
  5. Open up your browser and type on the address bar. You will be prompted to log in. By default try admin for username and password.
  6. On the set up tab, which is the first tab that you will see when you entered the router's user interface, look for a button that said "MAC Address Clone". Press that button.
  7. Look for a Status Tab. On that page, take note if you have values on the IP Address and WAN.
  8. Open a different browser and check if you have internet connection.

It's that ehrm, easy to set up a router! You're done! Who knows, if you think you can already do it and consider yourself a network specialist, you can earn by troubleshooting and setting up your neighbor's network. It can very well become a great gig for you to earn extra income.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Working at Home Careers – Which job is for you?

There are different jobs for different people. Here’s a list of jobs that you can do depending on the skills that you have.

taking surveys1)      Taking Surveys. There are a lot of programs online that’ll help you start this online job. Basically, all you got to do is answer surveys from several companies and you are paid per survey that you have completed. In that case, the more surveys you were able to complete that day, the more money you have. One thing that you have to remember is to verify if that program is legitimate.

2)      Writer. Content is king. I have read this somewhere and I totally agree with it. There will be no shortage for the need of content. So, if you love writing about difference niches, then this job is definitely for you. The pay may be low at first as you are tested in quality and frequency but will soon go up when you have mastered article or content writing.

3)      Graphics Artists. There are two ways that you can work if you are a graphics artist. You can sell your services through websites like wherein you will create or design per project or you can work full time for a company.

4)      Virtual Assistant. Working as a virtual assistant is like a secretary except that you don’t have to make coffee for your boss (kidding). You are responsible for admin tasks, customer interaction and the likes.

Virtual Assistant5)      Mystery Shopping. If you love shopping, then this is your niche. You get to shop and look for unique items for a client.

6)      Buy and Sell. This job is more like e-commerce, where you sell your stuff online. If you do not have your own website, then you can make use of websites like ebay, amazon, etc.

7)      Affiliate Marketing. I am sure you are familiar with affiliate marketing. You sell products from companies and earn commissions when you have sales using the unique ID given to you by your affiliate program. You can sign up with Clickbank, Amazon and other websites that offers affiliate program. There are also several ways to do this; you can set up your own website to market the products or advertisement them on blogs and other web2.0 sites.

8)      Blogging. You can earn through royalties and Google Adsense program through blogging. You have to make sure your content is readable and people can relate to it.

9)      Developer. A software developer or programmer who has skills that are important to internet marketing or the likes has the potential to earn big bucks. You can work for a company, sell your services or create/develop your own program and sell it.

10)   Consultant. If you are an expert in the field of business, relationship and personality development you can earn extra income doing what you love.

There are more jobs that you can think of, what you need is patience and you have to love what you are doing.

Best Gigs You Can Do Online

Are you constantly looking for ways to earn extra income? There are several programs online that offers a quick cash but unfortunately, those offers also have a catch. You might have been one of those people scammed into buying those programs that promises money while you sit at home. Sorry to disappoint you but there is no such things as easy money.

Work from Home

I am going to share with you how you can earn money while doing something that you love. This is a perfect opportunity for work at home moms and those looking for online gigs. Hate your current job? Then I suggest that you try to earn money while working on your hobby.

This type of work is what we call "online gigs". You sell your services on micro job sites and earn money from people that wanted to get your service. It can range from $5-$99 dollars and you control how many people you are working for.

A good example is writing articles. You can place an ad on websites like fiverr, homegiggers and many more. State how many articles you are willing to write for let's say $10. A buyer will contact you and negotiate the process through the website. When the transaction is done, you get paid through Paypal.

To attract more buyers, look into those sites and study what people are looking for.

Here are the top online gigs:

  1. Article Writing

  2. Account Creation for Facebook and Twitter

  3. Getting Followers for Facebook and Twitter

  4. Designing Banners and Ads for Websites

  5. Backlinks and Profile Links

Be as creative and unique. If you know how to sing and compose songs, then give it a go. There might be people who have special occasions and wanted something special. The trick to this game is to be patient and communicate well with your buyer. Don't be afraid to ask for a recommendation.

Friday, June 24, 2011

How To Start Working Online At Home

work at home
There are several reasons that prompted you to work at home but I am sure that you prefer working at the comforts of your own home. The question that you want to answer is probably how to start working home-based? And how does the process go, am I right?

Here is an outline of how you can jumpstart your career at home.

First of all, find out which online or telecommute job is the best for you. Make sure to stay as close as possible to your strengths and make time to learn about the qualifications that most employers are looking for. They prefer those that can multi-task and doesn't require much supervision. If you have these items mapped out then you are good to go.

Fulfill the basic necessities of working at home. If you are a programmer, make sure that you have the tools and programs needed for your work. Also, check your computer if the performance is ok. You don't want to be the burden of the team because you can't finish your projects on time just because your PC is slow. Get the best designing programs such as photoshop if you are a web designer and get the best tools if you want to work as an SEO. Now I know that most of the programs have to be bought but at the very least you can try downloading a trial program to familiarize yourself of how the software works.

internet connectionStable internet connection is the next thing to secure. Get the modest speed in the market, not necessarily the fastest but if the job entails video streaming and such, I suggest that you have the fastest internet connection possible. Invest in your internet connection because some employers will ask that you take a speedtest and send them a screenshot of the result.

Make a time schedule for the day and look for a space in your house that you can work undisturbed. Even if you are working at home, you have deadlines that needed to be met and kids, pets among other things can distract you from your work. Have a nanny or a babysitter to look out after your kids so you can focus on your work; if not, then be ready to cram work when they are asleep. A space where you will work at home is very important too. Teach your housemates to respect that place so that you'll have privacy on your things, computer, notes etc.

When these items are checked, you can start working on your resumes and application letters. I have already mentioned the job sites that I love and make sure to submit to those sites. In your application letter, be as detailed as possible when required to do so. Read the requirements of the employers like the inclusion of some words or letters on the subject line because it will tell them if you have read their job posting carefully. This is also a means to measure if you can read English and follow simple instructions.

Set up paypal account and link it to your visa debit card. If you need instructions for this, I have already created a post! (smile)

When asked to be interviewed, be as timely as possible. Some will require you to be available on a different timezone. Check if you the time correct and synchronize it to the world clock to avoid confusion.

Well then, after all that all we can do is WAIT!

Good luck.